Cornell University Annual Cell Phone AttestationThe authorization herein certifies that the employee's eligibility and device/plan continue to comply with University Policy 3.24, Mobile Communication Devices.
I attest that I:
use my University-owned device only for business purposes, except for de minimis personal use, per
University Policy 3.24 and the
Cornell Cellular Account Guidelines.
Additionally, I continue to meet the following requirements:
In accordance with position-related requirements, the need to be readily accessible for contact with the public or with university faculty, staff, or students, coupled with the impracticability of a regular land-line telephone for required or essential needs due to one of the following:
* Frequent and regular travel, with a travel plan, as part of job responsibilities.
* Working permanently at a location where a land-line is unavailable or impractical.
* Frequently out of land-line contact during business hours.
* The need to receive or initiate communication in emergencies.
* The need to be accessible and available at all times during non-business hours or available at all times by electreonic means.